Executive Sub-DAO


In particular the Executive DAO has the following powers:

  • Pay members of other Sub-DAOs.

  • Make grants to other community members at their discretion, providing:

a. Such transactions are disclosed transparently on the Secret Energy.xyz website.

b. An Escrow is used to hold funds until the completion of the agreed-upon deliverable.

c. The deliverable has been fully assessed by the members of the Executive DAO.

3. Pay suppliers of Create DAO, Sub DAO's, and the Secret Energy Foundation, providing such transactions are disclosed transparently on the Secret Energy.xyz website.

Executive DAO members have the following responsibilities:

  • Keep an up-to-date record of their activities and use of funds.

  • Hold a General Meeting (online or offline) every fortnight and keep a record of the meeting available to the SE Token Holders.

  • Not miss any more than 3 consecutive General Meetings without providing a valid excuse (medical or force majeure) or a public explanation to WOL NFT Holders.

Decision Making Process

The Executive DAO uses a lazy-consensus process as follows:

  • Any member of the Executive DAO can schedule an action in the DAO.

  • If another member disagrees or wishes to discuss said action, provided that said action has not been backed by a majority vote of the Executive DAO members in Create DAO snapshot or SuperDAO voting, they can:

  1. Speak directly with the member who scheduled the action, preferably through a channel that’s readable asynchronously by the community

  2. If needed, cancel the scheduled action to provide enough time for the discussion.

If the discussion between members doesn’t lead to an agreement or can not be scheduled soon enough (as determined subjectively by each member), each member of the executive DAO can trigger a vote of the Executive DAO members using Create DAO snapshot or SuperDAO Voting to resolve the dispute through a simple majority. The vote must be open for a minimum of 4 days and no longer than 14 days.

The vote’s result will be invalid if:

  • Not all Committee members vote AND the voting period has lasted less than 14 days or longer than 30 days. For clarity, if all Committee members vote, the vote will be considered valid irrespective of the duration.

  • Less than 50% of Committee members have voted.

Last updated

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